by mjd | Jul 28, 2024 | AJ and RJ Loader Shield Sponsor's Display, Award Winners, BR Webster Family Educational Scholarship, Honorary Fellowships, IOQNZ Award, Komatsu Award, Komatsu Leadership Award, Lyn Jordan Memorial Trophy, Mimico Environmental Award, Quarry & Mining Award, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy, Terra CAT Travel Award, Winstone Aggregates Safety Award, WorkSafe Safety Leadership Award
IOQNZ Awards Aggregate & Quarry Association Awards Past Presidents’ photo
by mjd | Jul 28, 2022 | AJ and RJ Loader Shield Sponsor's Display, BR Webster Family Educational Scholarship, IOQNZ Award, Lyn Jordan Memorial Trophy, News, Porter Group Quarry Leadership Award, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy, Terra CAT Travel Award, Winstone Aggregates Safety Award, WorkSafe Safety Leadership Award
At the 2022 QuarryNZ Conference in New Plymouth delegates and partners celebrated excellence at the TDX Awards Dinner. We are incredibly proud to share their successes: WINSTONE AGGREGATES SAFETY AWARD WORKSAFE CHIEF INSPECTORS AWARD RD HASSED MEMORIAL TROPHY LYN...
by mjd | Jul 30, 2017 | Award Winners, IOQNZ Award
From the time Gordon Laing arrived in NZ in 2000 to manage the close of Winstone Aggregates’ Lunn Ave Quarry, he also made his presence felt as a member of the IOQNZ Auckland Branch. Gordon also served on the IOQNZ board for a number of years and was President...
by mjd | Jul 23, 2015 | Branch News, IOQNZ Award, News
This year there were two recipients for the IOQNZ Shield: Gavin Hartley receives the IOQNZ shield from Gavin Laing as he steps down from the IOQNZ Executive. Gavin was President from 2011 to 2013. He rated working with Neil Clayton and Louise Foord to produce the...
by mjd | Jul 14, 2013 | AJ and RJ Loader Shield Sponsor's Display, AQA Awards, AQA Efficiency Award, Award Winners, Caernarfon Award, IOQNZ Award, Lyn Jordan Memorial Trophy, Mimico Environmental Award, Mining & Quarry Award, News, Niemac Trophy, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy, Rocktec Innovation Award, Winstone Aggregates Safety Award
Another successful QuarryNZ Conference has been held 10-12 July in Dunedin. Recipients of the The Institute of Quarrying Awards are: Winstone Aggregates Safety Award RD Hassed Memorial Trophy Rocktec Innovation Award Niemac Trophy ...
by mjd | Jul 14, 2013 | Award Winners, IOQNZ Award, News
Warwick Leach was a worthy recipient of the Institute of Quarrying Shield. He has served some 14 years on the IOQNZ Executive Council, with roles as representative on the ExITO and Minex Safety Council boards and as President IOQNZ from 2010-2011.