
2018 AQA Mimico Awards

MIMICO BRONZE AWARDS Dr Morgan Williams judges and presents the Mimico awards to Aggregate and Quarry Association members for their dedication to environmental excellence. Bronze medals went to GBC Winstones Flat Top quarry in North Auckland for growing and greening...

Amendments to Certificate of Competency (CoC) requirements

New competency requirements for safety-critical roles in mining and quarrying came into force on 1 August 2018. The key amendments: detail the requirements for a Certificate of Competence (CoC) as a manager to manage the quarrying operation specified (site specific...

Orica – Safe Efficient Blasting Course

Orica are seeking registrations of interest Course Dates: 13th- 15th November 2018, Where: Paeroa Download Course Brochure If interested in more details please contact: Dean Torstonson Mobile 021 926 317 or Email: [email protected] Or Craig Pledger Mobile 021...

2018 – RD Hassed Memorial Trophy

There were several contenders for the RD Hassed Memorial Trophy this year, but it was a clear majority in favour of Northland Branch Chairman, Murray Smith. He has shown leadership and has continually strived to encourage membership in the region - it was clear that...

2018 – Porter Group Leadership Award

Porter Group provide an generous award every two years to an IOQ member who is recognised as a leader within the quarrying industry. This year Brian Bouzaid, Holcim, received the award from David McSorley Porter Group. Brian gets to visit the Hyundai factory in...

2018 – Q&M Awards

Each year The New Zealand Quarry and Mining Magazine Editor, Allan Titchall, recognises young persons having leadership potential. This year Jason Kerrison (Whangaripo Quarry) and Jake Rouse (Murray Clements Contractors) received their awards.

2018 – Honorary Fellow

Trevor Tamblyn and wife Erin have represented the IOQNZ well over many years including attendance at several IQA conferences in Australia - an Honorary Fellow was a fitting recognition

2018 – Lyn Jordan Memorial Award

While there were several splendid papers presented at the QuarryNZ Conference this year, it was the one by Craig Hendry on the Ravensdown Cadetship Plan that received the nod from the judges for "Best Paper presented at local branch meeting or at Annual Conference."

Worksafe NZ BoE Update (July 2018)

Includes the following topics: Panel Member Renewal Policy Implementation review Amendments to Gazette Notice CPD verification Panel member workshops CoC results Continued Professional Development (CPD) Resits Applications Panel members needed Guidance available CPD...

Mining & Quarrying Regs Review

Consultation on revised Mining and Quarrying Regulations is now taking place. Submissions are due to MBIE by Friday 17 August 2017. MinEx, working with AQA and IOQNZ, is making a submission on behalf of the Extractives sector and we are keen on your feedback on the...

MBIE requires feedback on H&S Regulations

5/7/2018. Subject: MBIE wants your feedback on our implementation review of the health and safety mining regulations Hello from the Health and Safety Policy team at MBIE, we are seeking your feedback on the attached discussion document as part of our implementation...


Vickers Quarries
Vickers Quarries

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