An Effective Leadership Course for 2020+ is planned for Dunedin
Date: Wednesday 26th September 2018
Time: 8:30am-4:30pm
Venue: 1 Harrop Street, Dunedin 9016
Facilitator: Paul Sutton

Leadership is not about the title. It’s about whether someone is following you.
Leadership is about who you’re being, rather than what you’re doing. If politics teaches us anything, it’s that you can be a highly respected leader one day and ousted the next. In today’s working environments, if we don’t continue to stay focused on our leadership skills to better serve, we will find ourselves unable to serve our people as leaders.

So, what does it take to be an effective leader to meet the needs of and future
disruptors to the quarrying industry?

Course is for: Executive Officers, District Managers, Quarry Managers, Quarry Supervisors,
Aspiring managers, Aspiring leaders

Course objectives:

  1. Explain the meaning of leadership and explain how it differs from management
  2. Describe how leadership influences organisational performance
  3. Identify important leadership roles, motives, satisfactions and frustrations of leadership
  4. Explore types of leadership styles that are fit for future
  5. Recognise how leadership skills can be developed/enhanced and how you can maintain your sanity

Course content:

  1. Nature and importance of leadership
  2. Challenges for leadership in our changing world
  3. Traits, motives and characteristics of leaders
  4. Leadership behaviour, attitudes and styles
  5. Charismatic leadership and Case Study
  6. Transformational leadership and Case Study
  7. Authentic leadership and Case Study
  8. Strategic leadership and Case Study
  9. Influencing tactics
  10. Where to next to develop/enhance your leadership skills and to maintain your sanity?

Register for Effective Leadership Course