
Bruce Taylor clocks up 50 years

The benchmark has been set! I have the great honour of proudly announcing Bruce Taylor completed 50 years Service today. He arrived this morning like clockwork at 5am for his usual start time. . . . Suspecting nothing, he was showered in confetti upon opening his...

21 February 2012 7pm – Auckland Branch meeting

21 February 2012 7pm – Auckland Branch meeting

Tuesday 21 February 2012 - Branch meeting at one of the quarry industry's favourite suppliers, Goughs Featuring presentation of the Caernarfon Award to Glenn Kiernan IOQNZ President, Gavin Hartley and other Executive Council members will also be present. Come along...

John McCallum (Snr)

It is with great sadness that we record the death on Mr John McCallum (Snr) on 14 Feb 2012, aged 82. The McCallum name is synonymous with sand-dredging and sand supply - Johns grandfather was a tug master, and his father the founder of the barging business. In...

Golf Day

Scheduled for 10 March 2012 at Tahuna Golf Course. More details soon

44th IOQ/AQA Conference

Our 44th IOQ/AQA Conference has been scheduled for 11-13 July, 2012 at the Amora Hotel, Wellington. More details TBA

2011 RD Hassed Memorial Trophy

Tony Hunter has served tirelessly for the Institute of Quarrying for over 20 years, so the RD Hassed Trophy was an appropriate way to recognise his contribution.

Chris Gray awarded Blackwood Shield 2011

When Chris Gray, resigned from Winstone Aggrgeates to take on a new role in Tasmania as General Manager for a quarrying company just outside Hobart, it became clear that his tenure as IOQNZ Auckland Branch Chairman needed to be formally recognised. At the Auckland...

2011 Caernarfon Award heads to IOQNZ

Inline Drilling Ltd drill small and large diameter blast holes for Mines & Quarries nationwide. But now they have something else to crow about. On 25/11/2011, at the recent Institute of Quarrying International President's Meeting held in Hong Kong, National...

Christmas Function

The IOQNZ Christmas function is to be held 16 Nov - venue TBA  


CRUSHING & SCREENING Authors: K Rothery & S Mellor Contents: Section 1 Crushing Principles of crushing Compression crushers Impact crushers Fine grinding & milling Section 2 Screening The principles of screening Types of screen Screening surfaces Efficient screening...


Vickers Quarries
Vickers Quarries

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