by mjd | Apr 11, 2007 | Branch News, Central Districts, Conference News, News
2007 Wellington ConferenceSustainability of our Resources – Our Future”Conference Brochure now...
by mjd | Jan 12, 2007 | Conference News, International Reports, News, Reports
Report from George Kelcher (Vice President IOQ NZ) This year’s Australian Institute of Quarrying Conference was the first combined Conference made up of the Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) and the Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates Australia (CCAA) with the...
by mjd | Jan 11, 2007 | Conference News, News, Reports
Australian Quarry Conference, Melbourne, 11-14 Oct 2006 Report from George Kelcher This year’s Australian Institute of Quarrying Conference was the first combined Conference of the Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) and the Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates...
by mjd | Nov 3, 2006 | Conference News, News
For the latest about the Mining Conference read...
by mjd | Jul 18, 2005 | Branch News, Conference News, News, Northland
Lion-Man – Craig Busch from TV 2?s popular show stole the Friday Komatsu luncheon showing off two of his pet white tiger cubs. Wowed the audience and the kids. Anthony Hartcher.Now this chap had a great time:-* Won the ?best dressed bloke? at the Cable Price...