
MITO 2016 Scholarships available

Kick Start: Have you been working fulltime in the automotive, extractive, transport, logistics or industrial textile fabrication industry for less than 12 months? Then Kick Start your career with a MITO scholarship! Twenty scholarships are available, paying $1,000...

WorkSafe – definitions

The Board of Examiners has defined the following two items. • As per the Gazette notice the term “The Board May examine the following CoC’s B Grade Quarry, B-Grade Tunnel & B-Grade Opencast”. • Moving from an A-Grade CoC to a B-Grade CoC See details 6/11/15....

Courses available

Places available on upcoming courses UNITCOURSELOCATIONDATES NZQA 26855Human FactorsNelson12-13th November NZQA 26855Human FactorsGreymouth16-17th November NZQA 16686Incident InvestigationChristchurch17-19th November NZQA 26856Risk ManagementInvercargill18-20th...

Regulations – Worker engagement, participation and representation

from Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) Good afternoon, I am very pleased to let you know that the exposure draft of the Worker Engagement, Participation and Representation regulations has now been released for consultation. Read more information on...

WorkSafeNZ – Exam requirements for CoCs

What is the purpose of panels of examiners? Do I have to do an examination? Oral examination structure Competency requirements Assessment guidelines Key functions and responsibilities See WorkSafe document

Am I a quarry ?

Is my site a quarry operation and am I a quarry operator? The flow-sheet in the attached document has been developed to assist a number of industries in understanding their potential obligations under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and the Health and...

Proposed Extractives CPD requirements

Proposed CPD requirements for CoC holders, which are set by WorkSafe, have been released for feedback. Attached below is WorkSafe NZ CPD Feedback Statement the CPD Draft for members' input please plus a CPD Response Form Please email your submissions (Response Form)...

WorkSafe NZ SSE CoC Oral Exam dates

WorkSafe NZ have released the schedule for Senior Site Executives Certificate of Competence oral examination dates. Download SSECoC Exam dates file

MITO CoC Training Schedule

Take advantage during the last three months of 2015 to update your Certificates of Competency. Latest MITO CoC Training Schedule attached.

2015 MIMICO Environmental Bronze Award

The focus is the long-term rehabilitation of Fulton Hogan’s Gore Crushing quarry area, known locally as Jacobs Springs, following aggregate extraction from former farmland. Given this site adjoins the Mataura River, an internationally prized trout fishing river, it is...

2015 MIMICO Environmental Silver Award

This innovative project uses environmental consent conditions at Winstone Aggregate’s Belmont Quarry to increase staff understanding of resource consents, and other regulatory regimes within which the quarry operates. The quarry has 13 resource consents, 310 consent...

2015 MIMICO Environmental Gold Award

The Holcim NZ project is a major rehabilitation of the Tauranga Bay (Westport) quarry and surrounding land, following Holcim’s decision to close the quarrying and cement making facilities by mid 2016. The aim is to rehabilitate the site into a recreation amenity for...

Dr Morgan Williams Tour – Environmental

The Dr Morgan Williams Tour is coming to your area in September/October. Please see flier. Canterbury Sep 29 Otago/ Southland Sep 30 Auckland Oct 5 Northland Oct 6 Waikato / Bay of Plenty Oct 7 Wellington Oct 27 Hawkes Bay Oct 28 see also Diary page for...


Vickers Quarries
Vickers Quarries

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