Extractive Qualifications Review – Industry Consultation

Stage II of the review of our industry qualifications is nearing completion and the Governance Group for the review is now seeking feedback on the proposed extractives qualifications. Information about the qualifications and the consultation process can be found on...

Notification to WorkSafe NZ of appointment

Dear Members A reminder from the Worksafe Inspectorate that there is a requirement under the Health and Safety in Employment (Mining and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2013 that all operations must give notification of an appointment of a Quarry Manager, Acting...

WorkSafe – Best Practice Guidelines

The final draft of the Best Practice Guidelines for Health and Safety in Opencast Mines, Alluvial Mines and Quarries is now available: The document comprises 190 pages and is very comprehensive. However, it is still a draft. Some of you may have submissions and the...