Keith Niederer passes

Affectionately known in New Zealand and in many parts around the world as “Mr Quarryman” Keith Niederer passed away 10 June 2017, aged 95. Many of us will remember his lectures about the feats of mankind including construction of the pyramids; the salesman...

WorkSafeNZ Workshop Northland – June 20

Inspectors from the WorkSafe High Hazards Unit and the NZ Mining Board of Examiners (BoE) will be hosting in conjunction with the Institute of Quarrying an Extractives industry workshop in Whangarei. The workshop will provide information on the Certificate of...

IOQ Northland Branch meeting

IOQ Northland have arranged a technical evening on 31 May 2017 6:30pm Pirtek will present of Environmental Risk Management, and Common Fluid Injection Injuries and Prevention It will be an informative evening CPD available download flier for...