Founding Member Wally Yelavich passes

It is with great sadness that we record the passing of one of the Institute of Quarrying NZ Founding members, Walter Peter (Wally) Yelavich on 13 July 2013, aged 89 years. Wally recently featured in the “Profiles in Stone” book published by the IOQNZ in 2012,...

2013 Caernarfon Award

This year (2013) was New Zealand’s turn to host the IOQ International Presidents at the QuarryNZ Combined IOQNZ / AQA Conference in Dunedin. During the course of the event they chose a winner from four nominations for the Caernarfon Award – the best paper...

John Fulton 1933-2013

from Bob Fulton: “It is with much sadness that I relay the news of the death of my father John who passed away peacefully this morning (24 April 2013) in Dunedin. Dad worked for Fulton Hogan in a number of roles starting in the late 1950’s and was a Board member...