by mjd | Aug 14, 2017 | Auckland, Canterbury, course, Northland, Otago / Southland, Training
Presenter: Lionel Smith Venues to be advised Electrical Awareness for Quarry Managers and Supervisors This course is based on AS/NZ Standards and is more focused on what to look for within the Quarry Industry in terms of electrical awareness. It is run by a...
by mjd | Aug 2, 2017 | Branch Awards, News, Northland
THE COMMITTEE WANT TO SEE YOU Tickets are available Support the north and the industry The Northland IOQ have a great night lined up for you with a couple of different comedians. The committee works very hard getting this Awards Night organised every year for our...
by mjd | May 28, 2017 | News, Northland, Training
Inspectors from the WorkSafe High Hazards Unit and the NZ Mining Board of Examiners (BoE) will be hosting in conjunction with the Institute of Quarrying an Extractives industry workshop in Whangarei. The workshop will provide information on the Certificate of...
by mjd | May 28, 2017 | Branch News, News, Northland, Training
IOQ Northland have arranged a technical evening on 31 May 2017 6:30pm Pirtek will present of Environmental Risk Management, and Common Fluid Injection Injuries and Prevention It will be an informative evening CPD available download flier for...
by mjd | Mar 26, 2017 | Auckland, Branch Awards, Branch News, Canterbury, Central Districts, News, Northland, Otago / Southland, Waikato / Bay of Plenty
The Jim Macdonald Memorial Lecture Tour has been arranged by the IOQNZ to various branches during May June 2017: May 22 Northland (Whangarei) May 23 Auckland May 24 Waikato / Bay of Plenty (Matamata) May 25 Central Districts (Palmerston North) May 29 Canterbury...
by mjd | Dec 12, 2015 | Auckland, Branch News, Canterbury, News, Northland, Otago / Southland, Training, Waikato / Bay of Plenty
WorkSafe NZ have released 10/12/2015 a Gazette Notice re Continuing Professional Development. Gazette Notice