by mjd | Jul 28, 2024 | AJ and RJ Loader Shield Sponsor's Display, Award Winners, BR Webster Family Educational Scholarship, Honorary Fellowships, IOQNZ Award, Komatsu Award, Komatsu Leadership Award, Lyn Jordan Memorial Trophy, Mimico Environmental Award, Quarry & Mining Award, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy, Terra CAT Travel Award, Winstone Aggregates Safety Award, WorkSafe Safety Leadership Award
IOQNZ Awards Aggregate & Quarry Association Awards Past Presidents’ photo
by mjd | Aug 2, 2021 | Award Winners, Honorary Fellowships
This year we recognised Steve Ellis with an Honorary Fellowship, presented in recognition of long-standing service to the IOQNZ. Steve was brought up in a family that owned quarries in Christchurch and in his own words “a family of pebble gatherers”. He...
by mjd | Jul 28, 2018 | Honorary Fellowships, News
Trevor Tamblyn and wife Erin have represented the IOQNZ well over many years including attendance at several IQA conferences in Australia – an Honorary Fellow was a fitting recognition
by mjd | Jul 25, 2015 | Award Winners, Honorary Fellowships, News
The name Keith Niederer is synonymous with quarrying in New Zealand. Since we launched the book (at the 2012 Dunedin Conference ) Profiles in Stone regaling stories from NZ Quarrymen, which included a great one on some of Keith’s life, Keith has not been able to...
by mjd | Jul 16, 2012 | Award Winners, Branch News, Honorary Fellowships, News
Fulton Hogan’s Bruce Taylor was presented with an Honorary Fellowship from the Institute of Quarrying and a Life Membership from the Aggregate & Quarrying Association. Bruce started driving a coal truck, excavator and digger on the West Coast for Gibbons...
by mjd | Jul 11, 2011 | Award Winners, Honorary Fellowships
Robert Webster is lost for words when President Warwick Leach announces the 2011 Honorary Fellowship. However Julie is delighted with the decision.