IOQNZ Newsletter – Mar 2020

President’s Report 2020 IOQNZ Webinars QuarryNZ Conference postponed Waikato / BOP Branch Report Auckland Branch Report Canterbury Branch Report Passing of Bruce Hayhow Outstanding Membership Invoices Passing of Neil Jarrett Minex Update Educational Report 2020 Jim...


With the changes introduced by the government limiting community gatherings, and scheduled branch meetings, the IOQNZ has introduced some more CPD opportunities via the webinar options: Webinars as follows – 1 hour CPD, 8am or 12 noon DateSubject / Information...

Webinars via IQA

More opportunities for CPD available via the Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) education platform. Webinars as follows – 1 hour CPD: DateSubject / Information Facilitator March 12Hazard IdentificationHamish Beattie April 02How to communicate with your team...