Obituary – Sean Fowler

Sean Fowler died suddenly on 18 August 2020 after a brief illness, aged 54. Sean was a “larger then life”, charismatic guy, always quick with joke but as sincere as you could ever wish for. After his father Warren died in 1996, Sean took over the business...

Obituary – Russell Vickers

11.08.2020. It is with sadness that we record the passing on one of life’s true gentlemen – Russell Vickers aged 84. Russell was based in Stratford where he quarried a source immediately adjacent to Mount Taranaki. He joined the IOQNZ in 1982 and attended...

Conference 2016 – Blenheim

The QuarryNZ 2016 Local Organising Committee invite all Delegates, Partners, Sponsors and Distributors to attend the 2015 QuarryNZ conference, themed Forging the Path to the Future. The Conference will be held at Claudelands, Blenheim between the 14th and 16th July...

Newsletter – Jun 2020

Presidents Report Webinars / Youth Programme Branch Reports 2020 Friends of the IOQ Obituaries ACC Education Update Report MinEx Update CPD Opportunities MITO Update Jim Macdonald Lecture Tour Tribute for Bruce Hayhow BOE Update MIMICO Article Supplier Free Webinars...