by mjd | Mar 4, 2016 | Training
Your IOQNZ Executive Committee is committed to providing an opportunity for all members to take part in on-going training and since the Annual 2015 Conference in Hamilton, the IOQNZ has worked closely with Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA) on developing a...
by mjd | Dec 12, 2015 | Auckland, Branch News, Canterbury, News, Northland, Otago / Southland, Training, Waikato / Bay of Plenty
WorkSafe NZ have released 10/12/2015 a Gazette Notice re Continuing Professional Development. Gazette...
by mjd | Sep 30, 2015 | News, Training
What is the purpose of panels of examiners? Do I have to do an examination? Oral examination structure Competency requirements Assessment guidelines Key functions and responsibilities See WorkSafe...
by mjd | Sep 30, 2015 | News, Training
Proposed CPD requirements for CoC holders, which are set by WorkSafe, have been released for feedback. Attached below is WorkSafe NZ CPD Feedback Statement the CPD Draft for members’ input please plus a CPD Response Form Please email your submissions (Response...
by mjd | Jul 1, 2015 | News, Training
The next session is in Tauranga Where: Tauranga Yacht & Power Boat Club, 90 Keith Allen Dr, Tauranga When: Wednesday 8 July – 5.30 for 6.00pm So we have an idea of numbers please email [email protected] to confirm if you are able to attend. We are facing...