Webinars Emergency Management 1 of 4
Webinars Emergency Management 1 of 4
8 hours unrestricted members must complete all 4 webinars to complete webinar requirements
8 hours unrestricted members must complete all 4 webinars to complete webinar requirements
CPD hours = 8 members must attend all 4 webinars to complete webinar requirements
8 hour CPD Members must attend all 4 webinars to complete webinar requirements
8 hours CPS mnembers must attend all 4 webinars to complete webinar requirements
Each workshop gives an update to keep the extractives industry informed with health & safety issues and good practices. These workshops are packed with useful sessions for anyone in the mining and quarrying industry. The workshop will run from 8am to 4pm, with morning tea and lunch provided and costs $160+GST for AQA members and […]