Featured Featured

Auckland Field Trip

Three Kings Quarry

Opportunity for CPD
Presentation on quarrying history at Three Kings Quarry, inner city quarry AUCKLAND
Presentation on latest infill developments by Fletcher Building
Q&A - Redbull Powder Company representatives available to answer queries on drilling / blasting issues

Featured Featured

Auckland Field Trip

Three Kings Quarry

Opportunity for CPD
Presentation on quarrying history at Three Kings Quarry, inner city quarry AUCKLAND
Presentation on latest infill developments by Fletcher Building
Q&A - Redbull Powder Company representatives available to answer queries on drilling / blasting issues

Featured Featured

Auckland Field Trip

Three Kings Quarry

Opportunity for CPD
Presentation on quarrying history at Three Kings Quarry, inner city quarry AUCKLAND
Presentation on latest infill developments by Fletcher Building
Q&A - Redbull Powder Company representatives available to answer queries on drilling / blasting issues
