by mjd | Aug 17, 2022 | New Zealand, Safety, Workshop
WorkSafe New Zealand is planning an interactive and engaging Carcinogens and Airborne Risks national roadshow at 11 locations around New Zealand. The roadshow will focus on identification, control, and management of carcinogens and airborne risks with particular focus...
by mjd | Feb 28, 2018 | New Zealand, News
MinEx have just released a flyer to assist sites in identifying the hazards presented by Respirable Crystalline Silica, assessing exposure to workers and controlling this exposure. Upload RCS Fact Sheet
by mjd | May 18, 2017 | New Zealand, News, Safety, Training
Many quarries, particularly smaller operators, continue to struggle with Health and Safety management. Recognising this, MinEx, supported by the AQA and IOQNZ, has produced a H&S template. This provides the outline of a health and safety management system. By...
by mjd | Jan 21, 2014 | Branch News, New Zealand, News, Safety, Training
New Zealand’s top mine inspector has called on quarry and surface mine operators to lift their game when it comes to the use of vehicles. Tony Forster, chief inspector – extractives at the government’s High Hazards Unit (HHU), has signalled the inspectorate will this...
by mjd | Jun 26, 2013 | New Zealand, News, Safety
Email message received from MBIE 26/6/2013 Dear stakeholders The Health and Safety (Pike River Implementation) Bill was introduced to Parliament this week, and is available on the Parliament website at Health-and-Safety-Pike-River-Implementation-Bill The Bill contains...
by mjd | Jun 25, 2013 | New Zealand, News, Safety
Good Morning All, Please find attached with this post, the three documents that the IOQNZ will be sending through to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Education (MBIE) as a submission on the “Safe mines: safe workers” proposal. This has to be with...