MBIE Submission Documents

Good Morning All, Please find attached with this post, the three documents that the IOQNZ will be sending through to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Education (MBIE) as a submission on the “Safe mines: safe workers” proposal. This has to be with...


Many of our members have questions about the transition of quarrying training programmes / courses from ExITO to MITO. Here are some of the Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) Please Contact IOQNZ should you have any other questions you’d like answers...

Mining Legislation Changes – Road Show

Following the Royal Commission of Enquiry re Pike River, The Ministry of Business Innovation and Education MIBE (formerly DOL) has announced proposed changes to legislation: On 20.5.2013 the Director of Pike River Implementation at MIBE, Mr Michael Papesch, released a...

John Fulton 1933-2013

from Bob Fulton: “It is with much sadness that I relay the news of the death of my father John who passed away peacefully this morning (24 April 2013) in Dunedin. Dad worked for Fulton Hogan in a number of roles starting in the late 1950’s and was a Board member...