Lifetime Certificate of Competence holders’ requirements

Lifetime Certificate of Competence holders’ requirements: WorkSafe New Zealand has published prescribed competency requirements for Certificate of Competence (CoC) holders who have a ‘lifetime CoC’ (i.e. with no expiry date). These requirements have been gazetted....

Lifetime CoC holders’ requirements

Lifetime Certificate of Competence holders’ requirements WorkSafe NZ has published prescribed competency requirements for Certificate of Competence (CoC) holders who have a ‘lifetime CoC’ (i.e. with no expiry date). These requirements have been gazetted. Under clause...

WorkSafe Workshops West Coast

Inspectors from the WorkSafe High Hazards Unit and the NZ Mining Board of Examiners (BoE) will be hosting two industry workshops on the West Coast. Tuesday 9 May – GREYMOUTH Venue: The Ashley Hotel Time: 5.30pm – 8.30pm Address: 74 Tasman Street, Greymouth...

Newsletter March 2017

March 2017 Newsletter President’s Report Branch reports QuarryNZ Conference Update Jim Macdonald Lecture Tour 2017 CPD Training Schedule Drilling & Blasting Course MinEx Update Award Nominations MITO Update Members Survey Results Advertisement—AEG Board of...