WorkSafe Chief Inspector Safety Leadership Award

Purpose of the Award

The award recognises demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement and safety leadership in the area of workplace health and safety, in both the extractives and extractives support sectors.

The award will be aimed at a company rather than an individual operation/site.

The award will be presented annually for a worthy nominee.


  • Entrants must be a current member of the AQA or IOQ.
  • Entrants must operate an extractives site or provide services/equipment to extractives operators.



  • Communication on the Award and requirements will be advised by Worksafe New Zealand in March of each year.
  • Companies must nominate themselves in writing to the Chief Inspector Extractives, Worksafe New Zealand
  • Submissions will be judged by a group of Extractives Inspectors and chaired by the Chief Inspector Extractives, Worksafe New Zealand
  • Submissions will be presented in a bound document plus supporting material.
  • Submissions will present responses to the questions outlined in the judging criteria. Supporting material can be supplied to help demonstrate claims against the criteria.
  • A site visit may take place as part of the evaluation process.
  • The award will be presented in July of each year


Judging Criteria

The entry will be judged on the submitted responses to the following questions:

  1. How clearly does the company achieve a demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement and health and safety leadership?
  2. To what extent was the integrated approach developed in consultation with employees and, where appropriate, with outside organisations?

(Include evidence of reporting and consultation with workers and affected parties)

  1. How well is the continuous improvement approach integrated into the overall operations of the company?
  2. What are the demonstrated improvements in health and safety in the workplace as a result of the continuous improvement and health and safety leadership?
  3. How much potential is there for this approach to have broader application across other workplaces, agencies and the industry?
  4. Demonstrate how the organisation has influenced others within the extractives industry to effect substantial and sustainable change to health and safety standards.
  5. Statements from Workers and or Worker representatives about engagement with workers, health and safety improvements made and leadership.


Entry Submission Guidelines

Information that demonstrates a process where short term goals are continually set and met and how these contribute to the ‘higher’ goal of elimination of risks to safety and health.

Details of how continuous improvement is approached, what has been achieved and improvement plan for the future.

Evidence of how continuous improvement and health and safety leadership has improved the viability of the business and contributes to the wellbeing of anyone affected by the business operations.

Information provided should demonstrate active senior management commitment to ongoing planning of health and safety improvement and evaluation of systems.

Examples of Support Information for the Submission

  • Evidence of control measures in place to eliminate or reduce hazards;
  • Information on the active and effective worker consultation/participation system
  • Examples of sharing health and safety learnings and innovation within their own company and the wider industry.
  • Examples of influencing others and the level of engagement with the  Worksafe inspectorate and industry
  • Health and safety initiatives within the business
  • Training programs & initiatives within the business
  • Workers confirmation of engagement and participation in development of health and safety initiatives.
  • Development plan for worker health and safety leadership.
  • Evidence of governance and senior manager leadership practice.



These terms and conditions of entry apply to all entrants in the Worksafe New Zealand Chief Inspector Extractives Safety Leadership Award.(the award)

1. WorkSafe New Zealand will administer the Award.

2. Entry for this Award is open to all members of the IOQ and AQA and includes companies, associations, partnerships, companies and other organisations operating within New Zealand. WorkSafe New Zealand reserves the right to either allow or disallow any entrant for any reason at its complete discretion.

3. Entries must be received by 5.00pm 31 May 2024.

4. By submitting an entry, entrants shall be taken to have acknowledged and accepted these terms and conditions and to have agreed to be bound by them.

5. Entries dealing with technical achievements should be accompanied by a summary in plain English or layman terms.

6. Judges will have complete discretion in assessing entries, applying the judging criteria, conditions of entry and determining the winner.

7. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

8. The assessment, conduct and results of the awards will not create any legal obligations between entrants and WorkSafe New Zealand or the Crown.

9. The award judging panel reserves the right not to allocate a winner.

10. Persons, sole traders or organisations submitting an entry to the awards must have all insurance/levies required by law, or otherwise appropriate, for the conduct of their day-to-day activities such as workers’ compensation.

11. No responsibility is taken for any loss of or damage to entries.

12. Entries and supporting material will not be returned to entrants.

13. Each entrant guarantees that its entry, including any designs and/or inventions, is the entrant’s original work, that any intellectual property rights arising in connection with that entry vest in the entrant and that the entry does not interfere with any third party rights.

14. By entering the award each entrant guarantees that all information in its entry is true, accurate and complete. Entrants may be requested to provide further evidence to substantiate their entries and, if so requested, such evidence must be provided within the stipulated timeframe.

15. Winning an award does not signify endorsement of a particular product or a particular safety and health practice by WorkSafe New Zealand.

16. WorkSafe New Zealand reserves the right to decline, to accept or to disqualify an entry, at its absolute discretion, including but not limited to situations in which the entrant, or a related person or organisation, has breached or is under investigation for possible breaches of health and safety legislative breaches whether or not a prosecution is pending, or where the acceptance of the entry may otherwise be detrimental to the objectives of WorkSafe New Zealand.

17. All entrants agree to allow Health and Safety Inspectors of WorkSafe New Zealand to enter and inspect premises that are the subject of, or related to, an entry for the purposes of verifying the entry.

18. WorkSafe New Zealand will ensure that there is no disclosure to any third party of any information provided by an entrant and marked ‘confidential’, except with the prior consent of that entrant or where such a disclosure is authorised or required by law.

19.All entrants authorise, subject to receipt of prior written notification, WorkSafe New Zealand to use the information contained in entries (other than confidential information) for any purposes it sees fit including, but not necessarily limited to, promotional purposes.

20. Subject to proper acknowledgement being given to the relevant entrant, all entrants authorise WorkSafe New Zealand to publish details of their entry, including but not limited to contact names, phone numbers and photos. WorkSafe New Zealand will not use the personal information of entrants for any other purpose without prior consent of the entrant, or unless authorised or required to do so by law.

21. Entrants acknowledge that they may be required for presentations and media interviews in respect of their entry and agree to take all reasonable steps to make themselves available for, and actively participate in, such presentations or media interviews.

22. All entrants authorise WorkSafe New Zealand to recommend that the product, method or service comprising their entry be adopted for use by any other individual or organisation.

23. The Award winners are not eligible to enter these awards with the same initiative/ solution/contribution for three years.

24. WorkSafe New Zealand or the Crown and the officers, employees and agents of all the preceding do not accept any liability, however arising, including liability for negligence, for any accident, loss, injury or damage arising at any time out of or in connection with the WorkSafe Chief Inspectors Safety Leadership Award or except for any liability that cannot, by law, be excluded.

25. Entrants who breach any of these ‘conditions of entry’ are subject to disqualification.

Past Winners

2023 Winstone Aggregates

2022 Waiotahi Contractors

2021 Winstone Aggregates

2020 No conference

2018 Orica NZ

2017 Stevenson Group Quarries

2015 Fulton Hogan


Vickers Quarries
Vickers Quarries

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