Following the Royal Commission of Enquiry re Pike River, The Ministry of Business Innovation and Education MIBE (formerly DOL) has announced proposed changes to legislation:

On 20.5.2013 the Director of Pike River Implementation at MIBE, Mr Michael Papesch, released a article with proposals for a new mining regulatory regime for NZ, covering all forms of mining in NZ. This is part of the Government’s proposed response to the Pike River Royal Commission.

Ministry officials will be holding two rounds for public meetings:
* the first to outline what the proposals are – effectively, how did we get from the Royal Commission to these proposals – and
* a second round which would be focused around getting public, worker and industry feedback on the proposals.

The first round of public meetings are being held between 27 May and 7 June, and will be advertised in local papers shortly.

Road Show programme

The government’s programme is moving at a very rapid rate the IoQNZ will endeavour to keep our members informed on news involving changes to the regulations. Please also visit the following site for up to date information MBIE – This link will direct you to Department of Labour site.

Relevant Documentation: