WorkSafe have recently posted the first Extractive Industry Quarterly Health and Safety report – it will be an ongoing report for each quarter, using the mostly the quarterly report information required by in the regulations and also incident notification. They also will post the WorkSafe inspection outcomes, including notices issued.

Quarries will soon fall into this regime with the updated regulations, but are still currently notifying under HSWA.

Paul Hunt believes that the report is important as it should mature into the best data set and report on Health and Safety performance of our Industry and is an opportunity for sharing some learnings. “In the future I would expect to move the emphasis to significant events and more details on what is going wrong in the focus areas identified and the data sets will be getting larger and more reliable with time and proportion of operators reporting”

Note: The mining and tunnel sector had 100% reporting for the last Quarter.

The report was posted late Dec 2019 the link circulated to all CoC holders in NZ and various other groups.

See link