The New Zealand Mining Board of Examiners (the Board) recognises that the impact of Covid-19 has had significant impact on CoC holders and their ability to apply for or renew their CoC and to attend face to face CPD activities.

The Board and Secretariat are working hard with WorkSafe’s Legal and Policy teams to identity the issues and resolve them. . WorkSafe has many Covid-19 related issues to consider and already WorkSafe staff are supporting numerous streams of work including those raised by the Board on behalf of the Extractives industry.

Secretariat support staff are also being redeployed into other critical WorkSafe work. The Board and Secretariat appreciate your patience and understanding at this time.  They wish to assure you they are doing the best they can in the circumstances to ensure the issues affecting CoC holders are managed in a way that is consistent with Regulations but recognises the impacts of Covid-19.

In the meantime the Board and Secretariat strongly encourages you to ensure that you understand your CPD requirements, update your CPD logbooks and attend any alternative CPD opportunities that may be available to you such as webinars provided by MinEx and IoQNZ.

On March 24 2020 the Board announced that no face to face oral exams would be held until further notice. The Board has recently reviewed this situation in light of the country moving to alert level 3. The Board came to the conclusion that a fair and robust oral examination by video conference could not be held under level 3 restrictions. Currently there are no other viable alternatives for face to face oral examinations.  Therefore oral examinations continue to be suspended until further notice. This decision will be reviewed on a regular basis by the Board and you will be advised of any changes.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat on:

[email protected]

04 901 4980

Kind Regards,
