Marlborough / Tasman Branch Committee 2017
Kyle Paddon, Neil McKay, Andy Allen, Neill Kydd (Chairman), Trevor Newport (Secretary), Troy Adamson
Congratulations are in order. Support for a new Institute of Quarrying New Zealand branch to cater for members in the northern area of the South Island has been steadily growing since July 2016.
IOQNZ Canterbury Branch chairman Gavin Parker agreed with Transdiesel’s Brian Docherty that “if Blenheim-based Neil Kydd could be chairman of the very successful national QuarryNZ conference, it seems a perfect progression to establish a branch in the region as well.”
Fulton Hogan’s premises (located near the Nelson Airport) were the venue for the meeting on Friday 10 November 2017. It was attended by 26 comprising local quarry / contracting folk and organised by Gavin Parker, John Crawley, and Mike Higgins (IOQNZ Canterbury), Transdiesel’s staff (Brian Docherty and Trevor Newport) as well as IOQNZ board member Neil Kydd. Other attendees included Wayne Scott (Minex CEO ) and Murray Discombe (IOQNZ Web Manager). Chris Marshall (one of 4 members selected for the IOQNZ 2017 Youth Programme) was also present.
A comprehensive presentation about the IOQ and what it offers was made by Gavin, Mike, Wayne and Murray, with opportunities to ask questions throughout, and formed a platform to launch the new branch.
The following agreed to form the committee of the IOQNZ Marlborough / Tasman Branch :
• Chairman Neill Kydd
• Secretary / Treasurer Trevor Newport
• Committee Kyle Paddon, Neil McKay, Andy Allen, Troy Adamson.
Congratulations on a great outcome. Special thanks to sponsors BNZ, Transdiesel and Fulton Hogan for your support and sponsorship.