Wellington Branch met on the 22 Sep 2004 at the Johnsonville RSA. The meeting was well attended by 18 members including past NZ chairman, Gib Stuart and Ken Ludlam, Mr Quarry “Keith Neiderer” and also Past AQA President Malcolm Hunter.
Apologies where received from
Keith Max, who unfortunately went back to hospital again today, Alex Matheison, Lloyd Jones , Mike Silver
The meeting called by Past Chairman Gib Stuart followed a catch up recently with other members who felt concerned that the Wellington Branch was in decline.
Opening the meeting Gib recalled meetings past and the enjoyment he gained from attending, presenting awards but most importantly meeting with old mates regardless of what quarry they worked at.
Gib?s opening remarks where then followed by a report from Brian who opened by acknowledging those present being many of the leaders of both the Institute and Aggregates Association. Brian updated all on the work the new secretary had undertaken, the upgrading of the Institute?s web site by Murray Discombe, the objectives agreed recently by the board and his attendance at the Institute?s Presidents meeting in Chester in October.
Brian also read out two letters received post conference from John Fulton and Bryan Bartley.
Malcolm Hunter (who has recently moved to Wellington) addressed the meeting and voiced his concerns that the Wellington Branch was once very strong. He wanted to help restart it and with Don Webb and their wives have offered to host a combined meeting with the Manawatu Branch at Don?s farm on Saturday the 30th of October. The meeting part may be but there will be plenty of food and camaraderie. A site visit of Don?s quarry operation is also to be included.
Prior to the meeting ending Keith Neiderer and Gib shared several stories with us being;
* Keith recalled the first IOQ conference held on the 6th floor of the Pacific Hotel, Auckland in 1968.
* The conference was attended by around 40 people who once the technical sessions had finished moved to the bar to start crushing rock.
* Keith recalls rock was going everywhere when the barmen advised them that the lifts would be out of action for awhile, Keith just smiled and said fine we will walk down the stockpile.
* Keith even recalled the wives helped crush the rock.
As Keith has attended most conferences he chose to not only sponsor the before-dinner drinks but also the after-dinner ones so that they could continue crushing. It was at one of these production runs that Keith left Gib in charge.
The conference then in Nelson saw Keith leave early so he told Gib to run the happy hour.
Gib recalls when Keith called him later on the bill was at three thousand dollars and Keith asked is everyone happy and Gib replied yes, so Keith said great keep going. In the morning the bill for happy hour was six thousand. A lot of rock must have been not only produced but moved!
In closing, any member who wants to attend our next meeting on the 30th please email Tim McGovern on or before the 27th, for catering purposes. If you don?t have email please call Malcolm Hunter on 06-367-5014.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
Brian Bouzaid
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Gib and Elva Stuart, Keith Niederer, Ken Ludlam. | Malcolm Hunter and Bob Wilson | Brian Ashby with Gib Stuart |