
The other Quarrying Dimension

The words: Blocks, Tables, Chain saw, Wire saw, Horizontal drilling, Air bag, or Kiln Drier are not part of the usual vocabulary of the average NZ Quarryman. In the dimension-stone business, however, these are some of the key words used to describe their processes and...

Citations Awards

Recipients of the Citation Award are listed below: 2007Dennis Cochrane (New Zealand) 2004GR Temple (Yorkshire) 2003R Cosgrove (North Wales) 2002C Widdas (Lancashire) 2001AD Cooper (London and Home Counties) RD Burton (Derbyshire) S Scott (Derbyshire) 2000W Crooks...

Halswell Quarry Park well worth a visit

Hallswell Quarry had been quarried for over 140 years until its closure in 1990. So why are we mentioning it now? Take a look at the website to find out how a well planned rehabilitation plan can work wonders at your quarry. Its something Christchurch is now very...

Canterbury Branch Report – March 06

The Canterbury Branch of the Institute of Quarrying NZ (Inc) had a very busy week at the end of February 2006 commencing with a branch meeting on Monday 27th February at the Equestrian Hotel Christchurch, with a strong turn out - 48 members in attendance. New members...

Green Ribbon Awards – nominations close 31 March

The Ministry for the Environment has called for submissions this month to enter the Green Ribbon Awards with the nominations closing on Friday 31 March. The awards are given to businesses doing outstanding work for a cleaner, greener New Zealand. Categories for the...

Blasting at Dunback Lime Quarry

15/02/06. Blasting is common place for many of us quarry people.For some it's quite an event and this article recording ablast at Taylor's Lime at Dunback (near McRaes Gold) made it to the ODT (for non NZer's, that's short for Otago Daily Times.)And when a well-known...

‘Mounts Wire’ host Auckland Meeting Feb 2006

When Lindsay Cook, General Manager of Mounts Wire Industries describes some of his company's achievements he does so with a quiet passion, and a real sense of pride. After all, not many companies extend back 87 years In 1919 Mounts Wire commenced its operations in...

2005 MIMICO Environmental Award

Owhiro Bay Quarry wins Environmental Award Owhiro Bay Quarry has been recognised with an important environmental award. The MIMICO Environmental Award is testament to the $500,000 rehabilitation of Wellington's south coast, a major transformation from the old quarry...

MinEx Health & Safety Council elected

Following the call for nominations for the inaugural Board of the MinEx Health & Safety Council, the following nominees have been appointed to the ten positions available. Congratulations to these willing volunteers, and thanks also to the members of the Working Group...

Mr Sandman wins Paykel Shield

On November 25th 2005, at the Auckland Branch Annual Christmas function, held at the Waipuna Lodge and sponsored by Komatsu, Orica and Applied Conveyor and Belting it was time again to honour a man who was a part of the committee that year when the idea for the Paykel...

2005 Paykel Shield presented to Murray Swain

Back in 1990 the Auckland Branch IOQ committee at that time considered that an award should be made available to recognize those who had made an Outstanding Contribution to the Auckland Group during the years. The Award was sponsored by Paykel Engineering and the...

Whangarei Quarry Gardens

What do you do with a disused quarry ? This quarry site is in the process of being restored. The (web)site makes an interesting read, and if you enjoy gardening and rare plants, the physical site is also well worth a visit Native birds abound - wood pigeons and the...

CABLE PRICE – proud to be associated with Oceana Gold

McRaes Goldmine. It is by NZ standards a large open cast gold mine. In order to facilitate moving enormous quantities of material requires the help of some huge machinery. And when it comes to impressive excavators, Cable Price, have such a machine. When Cable Price...

Lloyd Jones – ‘Forceful’ mining man dies aged 88

Lloyd Samuel Jones, mining engineer. b. Dunedin, February 6, 1917; d Wellington, August 26, 2005. LLOYD JONES, 88, was, above all, a character - a representative of a tough 'breed of mining men, once common in this country, but alas, now, all too rare. A man with a...

Notice of Intention to Apply for Approval of Code of Practice

Pursuant to section 79 of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, the Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) gives notice that the NZ Extractive Industries Training Organisation (EXITO) intends to apply for the approval of the Code of Practice for...


Vickers Quarries
Vickers Quarries

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