
Andrew Mahan elected Canterbury Chairman

The members present at Canterbury Branch meeting held on 21 May 2008 in Christchurch endorsed the election of Andrew Mahon as Chairman. Andrew is a member of the IOQNZ Executive Committee, and works with Isaac Construction Company. Isaacs have a motto - "combining...

Codes of Practice

Minex Health & safety Council have updated their website to include Codes of Practice & Guidelines for many facets of the extractive industry. View Codes of Practice

NZ Reports

Fatality Report Engulfment Fatality Report NZDOL 090702 Haz42Fatality - Bulldozer Brake Failure NZDOL 080215 aa30 Frontbucket FEL are not designewd as power operated work platforms... NZDOL 071220 aa28 Mine Explosives Magazine records must accurately show the quantity...

Otago/Southland Branch Meeting – Feb 08

Cable Price Invercargill hosted the Otago/Southland Branch IOQ meeting on 20 Feb 2008. The meeting, chaired by IOQ Otago/Southland Chairman, Craig McCrorie, was well attended by many local quarry folk,with members of the NZ Executive also present. The local branch...

Swiss giant gets nod for land buys

Report from NZ Herald Wed March 05, 2008 By Anne Gibson Swiss quarry and cement giant Holcim has Government approval to buy large blocks of land in North Otago where it is planning to establish a new cement plant. In the latest round of decisions released by the...

Waitakaruru Sculpture Park

Waitakaruru was once a quarry, located just a few kilometres from Hamilton. Photo from the sculpture park website.Now 42 acres has been turned into a sculpture park and arboretum. Planting started in 1991 after it was purchased from Winstone Ltd. There are ponds,...

2007 – IOQNZ Award

The IOQNZ Award is a new award (See Awards Section for full details) in the form of a mounted Institute of Quarrying NZ Inc crest. Recipients of the Award in 2007: Bryan Bartley (Hon.F) - for services to the Institute of Quarrying and Quarrying Industry.Bryan receives...

Auckland City Council announces plan changes

Auckland City Council's Planning and Regulatory Committee has recommended final approval of Private Plan Change 7. This decision allows Landco's Stonefields development on the site of the former Mt Wellington Quarry to move ahead to provide homes for over 6000 new...

No More Potholes – could we do this in NZ?

Ever wondered how many pot-holes are repaired by each local council each year? Here's a USA website dedicated to promoting concrete roads. Could we peruade our local bodies in NZ to switch to concrete roads? Bill Abbott recently moved to Denver,...

Conference 2007 photos available

Many expressed an interest in purchasing photos taken at the Wellington Conference 2007. Here's just a handful: Malcolm Hunter & Don Webb Mike McPherson & partner Sharyn & Gary Clouston Tania Sparks & Ross Picard Roddy & Yvonne Maxwell "Lynn of Tawa" - Ginette...

2007 Honorary Fellow

Brian Bouzaid has a passion for the quarrying industry. Over the past 14 years he has served the NZ IOQ well - not only serving his Wellington Branch but also as an very active and dedicated council member for the National Executive. He represented us well overseas as...

2007 MIMICO Environmental Award

The quarried area at Cape Foulwind before restoration workAfter restoration work by Holcim which won the MIMICO Award Accepting the MIMICO Environmental Excellence Award 2007 was Holcim CAPE FOULWIND QUARRY Quarry Supervisor, Rob Hazeldine, left, with Rex Davies,...

Quarry industry earns praise for environmental work

Media Release 18.07.07 Cement producer, Holcim has won an Environmental Excellence Award for work over more than 20 years rehabilitating the quarry supplying lime to its cement factory at Cape Foulwind near Westport. Former parliamentary Commissioner for the...

2007 Niemac Award – Jack Parker

Murray Francis (right) accepts the working model jaw crusher - the 2007 Niemac Trophy awarded by Graham Fergusson to Oamaru-based Road Metal's Cental Otago Manager, Jack Parker Murray and Adrienne Francis celebrate at the Volvo Awards Dinner. Jack Parker has been in...

2007 – Gough CAT Award

Shane Toto, Quarry Manager for Stevensons Drury Quarry, Auckland receives the Gough CAT Award from Matt Kean, NZ Marketing Manager for Goughs. President Steve Ellis (also Manager, Quarries Division, for Stevensons) was also very pleased with the outcome. Shane Toto


Vickers Quarries
Vickers Quarries

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