by mjd | Jul 21, 2015 | Award Winners, News, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy
This year Alan McDonald was the Chairman of the Waikato/Bay of Plenty IOQ branch. He has come along way (in personal development) since he took on this role two years ago. As the national conference is in Waikato this year, Alan has grasped the role of chairman of the...
by dwayne | Jul 18, 2015 | Award Winners, News, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy
Previous recipients of the RD Hassed Memorial Trophy are: 1994 Bryan Bartley 1995 Rodney Cotton 1996 Tom Linnell 1997 Andrew Robertson 1998 Brian Bouzaid 1999 Wally Yelavich 2000 Peter Robinson 2001 Russell Vickers 2002 Churchie Walls 2003 Rob Kennington 2004 Trevor...
by mjd | Aug 6, 2014 | Auckland, Branch News, Conference News, News, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy
Rob Smith has been working tirelessly behind the scenes ensuring that the Auckland Branch Meetings run smoothly. He’s a conscientious committee member with a wicked sense of humour. A deserving recipient of the RD Hassed Memorial Trophy for 2014.
by mjd | Jul 28, 2014 | AJ and RJ Loader Shield Sponsor's Display, AQA Awards, Award Winners, BR Webster Family Educational Scholarship, Conference News, Lyn Jordan Memorial Trophy, Mimico Environmental Award, Mining & Quarry Award, News, Niemac Trophy, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy, Rocktec Innovation Award, Winstone Aggregates Safety Award
One of the great conferences. Warm friendly folk. Excited to show off their spot in the north. Sheryl Mai, Mayor of Whangarei, welcomed the delegates and partners. The GoughCAT dinner was served one table at a time. Great food brought out by 20 or so young dedicated...
by mjd | Jul 14, 2013 | AJ and RJ Loader Shield Sponsor's Display, AQA Awards, AQA Efficiency Award, Award Winners, Caernarfon Award, IOQNZ Award, Lyn Jordan Memorial Trophy, Mimico Environmental Award, Mining & Quarry Award, News, Niemac Trophy, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy, Rocktec Innovation Award, Winstone Aggregates Safety Award
Another successful QuarryNZ Conference has been held 10-12 July in Dunedin. Recipients of the The Institute of Quarrying Awards are: Winstone Aggregates Safety Award RD Hassed Memorial Trophy Rocktec Innovation Award Niemac Trophy ...
by mjd | Jul 14, 2013 | Award Winners, News, RD Hassed Memorial Trophy
Andrew Dronjak has held several key roles on the Auckland Branch – Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman. He has been there to assist with organising the Annual Health & Safety Review meeting for most years, and is often there to greet members as they arrive...