Citation Award

The Citation Award is very much the ‘members award’.

Its main function is to provide a means whereby a branch can obtain formal recognition for a long-serving member who is held in particularly high regard because of a long period of outstanding service to the Institute.

The award is above all a measure of the esteem in which the nominee is held by his colleagues and made in the true spirit of Institute fellowship.


  1. The award is not normally given to members of less than 20 years’ standing, during which time the nominee should have been a regular supporter of Institute activities, often having undertaken a long period of service on a branch or other committee.
  2. The award is not available to those who have held senior honorary office – President, Deputy President, Vice President, Chairman of Council, or Chairman of a Council Committee – nor to those who have been elected to Honorary Fellowship.
  3. All awards are administered by the Awards Committee and nominations should be submitted to the Secretary by 31 May for consideration.
  4. The nomination must be made in confidence without the knowledge of the individual concerned and it is therefore recommended that the Secretary be approached for advice before a written submission is made.

International Citation Award Rules

Following Affiliation it is envisaged that each individual national body will award Honorary Fellowships and Citation Awards using the existing guidelines. The International Citation Award was created, therefore, in order that there should be an appropriate means of recognising significant contributions made to the work of the Institute at an international level.
The rules governing the presentation of the award are as follows:

  1. The nominee (normally, but not exclusively, a member) must have made a special contribution to the work of the Institute at a genuinely international level.
  2. The nomination must be proposed by one of the national Council and be seconded by one of the other national Councils.
  3. The case for the nomination must be set out in a form similar to that used for existing Honorary Fellowships and Citation Awards (specimen available on request).
  4. Nominations must be submitted to the Presidents’ Committee at least one month prior to the annual meeting scheduled on the official rota.
  5. The nomination must be unanimously endorsed by those present at the meeting of the Presidents’ Committee.
  6. The nomination must also gain the support of each of the national Councils.
  7. Because of the limited numbers likely to be issued, for the time being, the certificates will be held in stock and issued from the Nottingham office.
  8. The certificate will be signed by the Chairman of the annual Presidents’ Committee meeting which endorsed the nomination and the President of the national body to which the member belongs.
  9. These rules may be subject to review by the Presidents’ Committee from time to time.
  10. Any proposed change to the rules must gain the support of all the national councils before it can be implemented.

Nomination Form

Past Winners

2023 Rex Davies

2012 Pat Te Amo

2008 Dennis Cochrane

1992 Gib Stuart

1990 Keith Niederer

1987 Bruce Webster


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