Gordon Laing Quarry Manager, Three Kings Quarry Alan Happy, Resource and Environmental Manager Arsini Hanna Northern Region Environmental Co-ordinator Michael Harris, Engineering Geologist Christina Renhart, Project leader, Projects
All are employees of Winstone Aggregates and have a common passion – for environmental excellence.

Their paper “Three Kings Quarry – Excellence in Environmental Management” shows results of more than ten years’ dedication to a challenging role, – operating an inner city quarry, located just 6km from the Auckland CBD
The Awards were presented at the local Auckland Branch meeting held May 17, 2005 by Bryan Bartley who won the inaugural Caernarfon Award for “Best International Paper” in 1989.

NZ President, Brian Bouzaid who was recipient of the 2004 award was present at the International Presidents Meeting held this year prior to the Southern Africa Conference (Boxburg) where this year’s entries were judged.
Brian said that the competition was very high, with all papers being of exceptional calibre and he was particularly “stoked” that the panel again recognised the wonderful work done by this New Zealand team.
The winners share the moment with Bryan Bartley (centre).
Christina Renhart was unable to be at the meeting for the presentation.